Saturday, February 25, 2006

The Medal Count

Well well well....

I don't suppose that you all were keeping track of Canada's medal count, but it appears that, sadly, there is more proof that girls are better than boys: The Olympics. Canada's women are DOMINATING, whereas the Canadian men are sucking out in most cases with the exception of the curling team that is predominantly newfoundlanders. (Go Newfoundland and Labrador, you earned it!)

I'm not surprised with the humiliating loss of Canada's mens hockey. Every other team in the world showed up to play olympic level hockey. The men's hockey team was dogging it out there, probably because most of its players are also in the middle of an NHL hockey season who aren't exactly in their prime either. The olympics, I think, should only be open to the young amateurs, at least in hockey anyways. No one older than 22 on any olympic hockey team, and then my friends, we'll be seeing some serious olympic level hockey.


Blogger Eric Rosenhek said...

It's a good idea. But unfortunatley, it won't draw the viewers. NHLers mean more viewers. More viewers mean more ad revenue. $$$$$

6:01 p.m.  
Blogger Billy Ruffian said...

Eric, you would say that. You've always been a hater of young men who play hockey.

9:01 p.m.  

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